Scribble Masters

Evaluating the Impact of IoT and Blockchain on Seamless Supply Chain Management for English MNCs

Abstract This research aims to examine the effects of IoT and blockchain on SCM in the context of IoT MNCs operating in the English-speaking world. By using only secondary data, the paper analyzes how these technologies support the transparency, effectiveness, and security of SCM activities. As a part of the explorative research, dominant themes supported […]

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What is Content Writing? Learn the Basics with Scribble Masters LLP

Introduction Today, content writing is an inevitable subset of modern communication, and this applies not only to companies but also to personal use. From blogging and article writing to creating product descriptions or writing an academic paper, content writing is a foundation of present-day information-sharing. In this blog, we will discuss what content writing is […]

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Critical Investigation of Social Media Marketing Practices to Ensure Higher Customer Attraction Rates: Insights from Australian MNCs

Abstract This paper critically explores the practices of social media marketing in present times, focusing on MNCs of Australia and their modus operandi to influence potential customer attraction rates. Since the relevance of social media platforms is growing with each passing day, a greater number of techniques have been assessed and considered by business firms […]

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Evaluating Theoretical Approaches to Internationalisation for Australian SMEs’ Global Expansion

Abstract The present research will also assess how these theories have influenced the internationalization process of SMEs in Australia. It considers some extensively used theories including the Uppsala Model, Network Theory and Resource-Based View, via cases like VinoMofo and Cochlear. Therefore, the study adopted a secondary research approach to analyse literature using a research onion […]

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Analysing the Interconnection Between Leadership Practices and the Development of Mercedes

Abstract This paper aims to evaluate the role of leadership practices in the growth and development of Mercedes Benz, a world-renowned car manufacturing company. This paper, adopting a secondary research approach supported by the research onion, analyses how different leadership approaches and strategies affected Mercedes-Benz; innovation, market positioning and organisational development. This study thus aims […]

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Investigation of the Issue of Gender Pay Gap and the Significance of Curbing It in Organisations: A Case Study of Two Multinational Corporations in the UK

Abstract Analysing the current gender pay gap regarding employment worldwide and Great Britain in particular. This research paper examines the significance of addressing the gender pay gap in the workplace, focusing specifically on two prominent multinational corporations: Unilever and HSBC are the two global organisations selected for the case evaluation. Thus, this method of secondary […]

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